This is one of the 4 attendance mandatory meetings for all MAISL Board Reps.
MAISLathletics 2024 - 2025
Winter Sports -- Girls & Boys Basketball
I hate to take space on the wbsite and especially the Homepage but this was sent to the MAISL Reps this afternoon, Coaches and Parents should be getting a copy but putting it here puts it "on record" for the League. -- Michael S - MAISL Program Director (sent 1-12-2025)
This will remian on the Homepage until Monday, January 20th. At that time it will be moved to the Rules Page but is considered to be an "on the record" posting for MAISL Basketball. The letter below was sent to all Member School MAISL Reps prior to the completion of play on Jan 12, 2025.
Good Afternoon All
OK, we need your help with your coaches (not all but many of them) regarding scorebook information and behavior. What I am writing to you will also be distributed to Scorers and Referees as well as posted to MAISL website after completion of today's MAISL games.
Improper Scorebook entry or failure to do required informational input
There seems to be a disregard for filling out the Official Scorepad properly (many coaches saying "I did not know that", and if they were at the Meeting we ALWAYS explain what to do and how to do it)
Numbers in ascending order: Ex: 2, 5, 10, 13 etc
Name - Prefer first and last but last for sure (NO nicknames) we need to match up with your Principal Verified Roster
New penalties will be in place starting next weekend (as of Jan 17th)
If a team fails to do this properly then at the moment off tip-off the Scorer will call over a game official (referee) and explain we have an improper book An Administrative Technical will be assessed against the violating team Head Coach and the opposing team will be awarded 2 points Opposing team will get the ball on the Baseline (a starting book violation — lack of info -- will negate the tip-off) Violating Team will lose a Full time-out and Coach or Mgr has 1-minute to complete roster as we are now into "game-time" and YOU want us on schedule
We require this info for all games so failure to comply is really just being lazy - It is the TEAM'S responsibility to input their roster - Not the MAISL Scorekeeper
Seat-Belt Rule
Coaches are to remain seated unless calling a time-out, there is stoppage of play or cheering on a positive play on the court - then they return to their seat
SEAT belt - NOT a hand on the chair while kneeling, squatting etc - Remain seated Scorers will warn Coach - 2nd violation they will ask Referee to warn Coach and after that a Technical violation will be assessed Coaches do NOT come out on to the floor unless asked by Game Official (referee) Coach/Player/Fan Behavior Respect the Referees, Scorekeeper, Opposing Coaches, Players and Fans AND your own players Aggressive and/or abusive behavior will NOT be tolerated by ANYONE in the gym and is grounds for expulsion ONLY the Head Coach can address the referees
I am very disappointed that I need to write this letter, but we have had too many of these types of violations and/or behavior over the last few weeks and we need to address it NOW and manage our program. You are our conduit to your coaches, players and parent so we need your help. If you cannot manage them the League will and this will include removal from gyms, suspension from games or expulsion from the League (coaches, players and fans). Please, after 6PM today forward this to your Coaches and Players/Parents so if this happens in the future, they are aware that we have informed schools in advance of actions that will be taken and are not "making this up as we go along".
Michael Schultz MAISL Program Director
We are just 2 weekends into the season and we have already had too many incidents of poor fan behavior. Parents DO NOT address referees and/or scorekeepers that is the job of the Team's Head Coach. Player safety and sportsmanship by all (players, coaches, fans, refs etc) participants are very important to us so please have fun and show respect to others. As a Parent/Fan if you have a concern talk to your child's coach or the school AD and they will determine if there is a need for escalation to the League Level. Parents/Fans who fail to do this -- Risk being suspended from their children's games.
Cheer loud and cheer often but be positive in your reinforcement. Make this a great experience for our student athletes.
We have now posted independent basketball tournament dates and applications. Accomodations were made to league schedules so teams can enter these events without a concern for league game conflicts. The first file was sent to ADs on November 14th.
MAISL Night at Edgewood College for both Men's and Women's Basketball has been scheduled. Please, click on the flyer below and get your team there or go as a family. What a great chance to see college level basketball for "FREE"
January 29th at 7PM - Women's Team
February 5th at 7PM - Men's Team
Both games are at the Edgedome
Congrats to EHS Girls Basketball on their State Championship and the MAISL Alumni on the team
Congrats Challengers to the ALCS Boys Basketball Team on their D-5 Tournament 2nd Place Finish
Undefeated at home
Trailways South Conference Champions
Regional Champions
Division 5 Sectional 4 Champion
Division 5 State Runner-Up
Abundant Life Boys Basketball Best Record in program history 28-3 Overall
Basketball schedules were sent to all ADs on Nov 10th at 6:40PM and have now been posted to the 24-25 Basketball Schedule Page
On Nov 20th REVISED schedules were sent for 6th Girls, 8th Girls and 8th Boys - Now posted on BBall Schedule Page
Staff and/or Full Board meetings
start at 6:30PM -- Next meeting is Jan. 22nd
We meet at 5137 Verona Road at the Knights of Columbus Counci 531 Clubhouse (eastside frontage road). Please check 24-25 Calendar Page for dates of Staff or Full Board Meetings
Welcome to the "NEW" MAISL website, we ask for your patience as we learn how to use it and how to make it better for you our Schools, Coaches, Athletes, Parents and Fans
After 13 years and over 1.43 million MAISL website hits we have moved to a new provider and are updating our website to improve your experience and to provide better information to our participants.
Call the MAISL Sports Information Line -- 608-845-2333 for the latest information on delays or cancellations. MAISL School gyms do not close for a Weather Advisory.